THE FELLOWSHIP stands there, confused and outnumbered. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and a flood of Energizer rabbits pours through. Frodo! Perhaps we’ll have a proper supper after all!įRODO: Nothing dampens your spirits, Sam. GIMLI: ( Brandishes ax.) Arrh, let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath! BOROMIR hurries to the door and peers out.) ( Outside the room A DRUM BEATS RHYTHMICALLY. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. GANDALF: They have taken the bridge and the second hall. ( GANDALF reads from the book in Balin’s tomb.) They all look at each other and laugh heartily.)ĪRAGORN: ( Clapping and laughing.) I’m lovin’ it! ( Simultaneously, they produce their figurines. LEGOLAS and GIMLI smile knowingly.)ĪRAGORN: And you, my friends-who did you choose? ( He sheepishly produces a movable figurine of Arwen and blushes. ( They are hungrily shoving burgers in their mouths at a table.) ( They look at each other and nod approvingly.) ( ARAGORN, LEGOLAS, and GIMLI have just placed their orders.)ĬASHIER: For a limited time, you can buy your favorite Lord of the Rings character figurines for just $1.99 with the purchase of any Value Meal. LEGOLAS: There … in the distance … ( Points excitedly) … two arches of gold. ( LEGOLAS bounds up a rocky outcropping and surveys the landscape.